Top Homeschool Posts of 2014: The Heart of Homeschooling

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Welcome to NextGen Homeschool’s Top Homeschool Posts of 2014 Series! This week we’ll be sharing the top homeschooling topics — and most viewed posts — of last year based on the number of reader views and pins at NextGen Homeschool. Pin this page so you can refer back to each topic as needed: It’s a great resource as you tackle the New Year!


Although the practical topics are important at NextGen Homeschool, the heart of homeschooling is what matters most: Your unique family, your faith, your specific mission and your why — those individual reasons for taking a road less traveled.

Here are the Top Ten “Heart of Homeschooling” posts of 2014:

  •  Homeschooling Freedom in Oklahoma: Defending my Rights – NextGen Homeschool Author Rosanna Ward shares her experience being interviewed by a national TV news program and defending her freedom to homeschool without regulations in her home state.
  • Whole-hearted Homeschooling: It’s Not What You Do, But Why – What is “whole-hearted” homeschooling? It’s not about methods or teaching styles, but following the heart mission for your family.
  • Considering Homeschooling? Trust Your Calling – Do you trust your Holy Spirit-led instincts as completely as you trust your gut? If so, what do you do about the fears, doubts and detractors?
  • A New Approach to Family Bible Study – Whether you’re including Bible as a school subject or integrating Biblical history into your plans, family Bible study is different — an equally important to your homeschool mission.
  • Revisiting our Homeschool Mission – What challenges have you faced when putting your mission into practice? How to revisit your mission and make changes with the end goal in mind.
  • Missional Women: Being a Missional Mom – What does it mean to be a “missional” mom? And how does it relate to God’s purpose in your life — right here, right now — as a homeschool mom?
  • Homeschool Mom on a Mission: Nina Taylor – Meet a homeschool mom who is not only on a mission to be the primary educator for her children, but also to fulfill God’s great commission with and through her family — at home and around the world!
  • When Back-to-School Isn’t Picture Perfect – As homeschooling moms, we often feel especially pressured to give our children an exciting, more traditional “back to school” experience. But what if your school year isn’t of to a picture-perfect start?
  • Five Reasons I’m Thankful for Homeschooling – NextGen Homeschool Author Renée Gotcher shares why the reasons she is thankful for homeschooling go far beyond the academic benefits.
  • Thankful to Homeschool When Life Happens – Although it might sound logical to stop homeschooling when life challenges overwhelm us, there’s a silver lining in that dark cloud. NextGen Homeschool Author Rosanna Ward shares why.

Thank you for joining us this week as we took a look back at the Top Homeschool Posts of 2014 here at NextGen Homeschool! Our next series starts Monday, January 12: Ten Things to Let Go Of This Year. Join us!