NextGen Homeschool

30 Days of Thanks: Good Sibling Relationships

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We will be posting all month at NextGen Homeschool about some of the things we are personally thankful for, and when we do, the post will include a link-up at the bottom so you can share posts of your own on the topic of thankfulness. If you don’t blog, no worries: We will also post a 30 Days of Thanks prompt on our Facebook page every day this month so that you can add your comments there. All of our posts will include a #30daysofthanks hashtag so you can find them easily. Join in below!

 30 Days of Thanks: November 4


I have so much to be thankful for this year: Much of it centers around my family and home, and homeschooling is an integral part of that. Today I was thinking once again how great it is that my husband can take the boys fishing in the middle of the day, no pre-planning required. This is only possible because we homeschool. Joel (8) also goes with his daddy every week to buy inventory.



Homeschooling just works so well with our lifestyle. It seems every day I am reminded over and over again how blessed we are to be able to homeschool.

Another thing I have been thinking about a lot is that I am thankful that my adult daughters have chosen to continue living at home. I know many kids move out when they turn 18 and that’s fine (that is what I did), but I am so thankful that mine are still here.


My daughters are 20 and 18. They work for us in our two donut shops, each managing a different donut shop. It is a joy having them around still, and a big part of that is the fact their younger brothers really benefit from having a daily relationship with them. If Hannah had moved out when she was 18, Joel would have been six and Leif would have been one. They, especially Leif, wouldn’t have really gotten to know each other like they have.


Photo on 10-22-12 at 10.05 AM #3

I love to see Virginia play with Leif and I love to see Joel scare the bejeebus out of Hannah over and over. Both girls spend quite a bit of time being big sisters, and I am thankful for the example this sets for my boys.


I am just so thankful for this time we have to be together as a family to form really strong relationships. I missed that with my little sister, who was only eight when I moved out, and it took many years before we once again lived close and became friends.


Will you join us in 30 Days of Thanks this month? What are you thankful for today? What are you most thankful for in your homeschooling journey this week? Share with us in the comments below: We love to hear from you! Don’t forget to LINK UP your Thankful posts below!

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