NextGen Homeschool

Why I Can’t Wait for Teach Them Diligently D.C.

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This year my family is planning to attend the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Washington D.C., taking place May 15-17. Last year, my homeschooling sister-in-law Rosanna and I attended our first Teach Them Diligently in Omaha — and we haven’t been the same homeschoolers since! (See her post on why she’s looking forward to attending again this year.) We couldn’t wait to return this year with our entire families.

Screen-Shot-2013-07-25-at-9.18.13-AMWhat was it about Teach Them Diligently that influenced us so deeply? We had both attended regional homeschooling conferences in the past, however we quickly discovered that Teach Them Diligently isn’t just about homeschooling: It’s about the heart of our family centered on God’s Word and the calling to disciple our children. (See my wrap-up post from last year and my sister-in-law’s take-away for more on what messages spoke to us the most at last year’s conference.)

Today I’m sharing what I’m looking forward to at this year’s Teach Them Diligently Convention — and why we’re attending in Washington D.C. — at the Teach Them Diligently Blog. In my complete post, I explain why we’re taking our Colorado family across the states to experience this family discipleship convention together, as well as who we’re looking forward to hearing from and why. We’re also making a field trip out of it because we’ve never been to Washington D.C. with our three daughters. Read my complete post for the whole story!

Have you ever attended a Teach Them Diligently Convention? If so, what stood out the most to you? Are you planning to attend any homeschool conventions this year? If so, what do you look forward to most?

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