NextGen Homeschool

What About Choosing a Word for the New Year?

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I can’t remember the first time I heard about the idea of a “word of the year” to represent my mission for the upcoming new year. But I do remember thinking, “How do all of the goals on my new year resolution’s list boil down to just one word? What’s the point of choosing a word for the new year?”

Until the year God put a very specific word in my heart to sum up what my mission should be for the coming year. And I realized that for me, the difference between making another resolutions list or letting God put a word on my heart was about focus. A singular mission vs. a laundry list of improvements that, to be honest, will probably never change much from year to year.

Should You Choose a Word for the New Year?

Join me today at Managing Your Blessings, where I’m sharing my post, “Should You Choose a Word for the New Year?” What did I learn from the year God gave me a “word” to focus on? And how has that changed my perspective on looking ahead to the coming new year? Read my full post here.

Have you ever chosen a word for the year, or are you a resolutions list maker? What else do you do to plan and prepare for an upcoming year? What scriptures have been particularly insightful to you as you pray for direction for this new year?

2 thoughts on “What About Choosing a Word for the New Year?

  1. Yes I have 🙂 this year it’s Trust and Faith. I want to have that more in God this year.

    1. Thank you for sharing Stacy! I’m praying that this will be the year your trust and faith in God grows exponentially. It’s amazing how liberating and peaceful our lives can be when we put our trust fully in the Lord and have faith in His promises. That’s my prayer for you!

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