NextGen Homeschool

Do I need a homeschool mission statement?

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DefineHomeschoolMissionAs homeschoolers, we are used to being asked “why” on a regular basis — why did we decide to homeschool? It’s not a difficult question to answer, because we wouldn’t be homeschooling if we weren’t clear about why.

However, knowing your “why” is just the beginning. Your “why” helped you decide to homeschool. Deciding how to homeschool is another story.

Creating a homeschool mission statement will help you manage the many decisions that follow the decision to homeschool. Once your mission statement is established — and you, your spouse, and your children are on the same page — you can use it to guide you in evaluating decisions such as curriculum choices, teaching methods, extracurricular activities, schedules, etc. It will also help you re-prioritize when necessary.

So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler? ContributorJoin me at So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler today, where I am contributing my complete post on Defining Your Homeschool Mission: It’s More Than Your “Why”

I explain why a homeschool mission statement is important, what key questions to discuss as you set out to write your homeschool mission statement, and how it can help guide you in the day-to-day journey of homeschooling. Click here for the full post.

To help you create your own homeschooling mission statement, we’ve created a free worksheet for you: Homeschool Mission Worksheet 2013, which also includes an example of the Gotcher Family’s Homeschool Mission Statement. Download it here for free: Homeschool Mission Worksheet 2013.

Have you defined your homeschool mission? If so, is it an “understanding” or is it on paper? Do your children know the details of your mission? Or are you still searching for answers to some of these questions? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

10 thoughts on “Do I need a homeschool mission statement?

  1. Rosanna Ward says:

    Great Post! This is a topic I need to revisit with the boys! I think our mission has changed a little in scope.

    1. Thanks Lindsey, I’m so glad you found it helpful! I will grab your button. 🙂

    1. It’s made this year of homeschooling so much more focused and fruitful — I’m so glad we took the time to define our mission and put it on paper!

  2. Such an important take on this issue, Renee. I’ll be featuring this article on What’s Hot in Homeschooling next week. Even veteran homeschoolers can benefit from your advice.

    1. Thank you Melanie! Defining our homeschool mission has made a big difference in our homeschooling.

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