NextGen Homeschool

Fall Brings Crisp Adventures, Fun Traditions

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Autumn-Inspiration-Week-300I love fall! After the summer heat and humidity in Oklahoma, the crisp cool air is a welcome change. This makes fall an ideal time for field trips. We go to the zoo quite a bit during the cool autumn days. Our little homeschool also has several traditional field trips during this season that we look forward to all year.

We enjoy a trip to the local pumpkin patch, Pleasant Valley. The pumpkin patch is a great field trip for kids of all ages. Pleasant Valley also has hayrides, corn mazes, and other fun activities to do. We like the “pumpkin chunk” game. This year we are going to play a game to try and guess the weight and price of our pumpkin.


Another fall tradition for us is the Tulsa State Fair. This is more of a family tradition than a field trip, but our fair has a myriad of educational opportunities. The animal barns to start with, as well as a petting zoo and a birthing zone. We also enjoy the “kid building,” with the large sandpit and the LEGO area, along with so many other fun areas for the kids to play and learn. We also like to check out the 4H displays.


Our family spends a day at the Tulsa State Fair every year. This fair can be quite expensive, but there are also a few free fairs in the surrounding counties. I know our county has a free fair that begins at the end of this week.

Hiking, fishing, and playing at the park are other activities we look forward to doing in the fall. For us, pretty much all outdoor activities are good in the fall, in between the heat and humidity of summer and the ice and cold of winter. Fall is definitely my favorite season in Oklahoma!


This post is part of the Inspired Bloggers Network’s Autumn Inspiration Week: To visit more posts with Autumn Inspiration, visit the participating bloggers list.

What are some of your favorite fall activities and traditions in your homeschool? What inspires you in Autumn? Share your favorites in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “Fall Brings Crisp Adventures, Fun Traditions

  1. Fall is our favorite season as well. We made it to the zoo this week! And had some fun in a maze. Love your idea of making the visit to the pumpkin patch and game and contest. Have fun!

    1. Glad you’re enjoying your fall adventures with some wonderful hands-on homeschooling! 🙂

    1. Rosanna Ward says:

      Wow! Thank you Monica.

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