NextGen Homeschool

Friday Flashback: Reading spark from Captain Underpants

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This has been a very busy week for us, but great educational steps took place in spite of my crazy schedule. With my husband traveling and my best friend visiting from out of state, I was a pretty distracted teacher/mother.

In our homeschool this week…

Despite all of this, Joel read his first unassigned chapter book (120 pages in four hours!) and better yet, he could tell me all about what he read. Big step for him — in fact, I would call it a major breakthrough!

The Adventures of Captain Underpants

Granted it wasn’t a book I would have automatically picked for my son to read, but it was recommended to me by my friend so I gave it a shot. “Adventures of Captain Underpants” was a big hit with my son! In fact, I had to order the next four, which arrived today. He is excited to read them all and proud of himself for reading a real chapter book.

My son’s favorite thing this week was…

The acquisition of an Elenco Electronic Snap Kit. Again, it was recommended by my visiting friend with a seven-year-old of her own. Amazon had a good price on the large kit, and it arrived by UPS yesterday evening. Joel stayed up until 10:00pm working through the first ten projects. He loved it!

Elenco Electronic Snap Kit

He has always had a fascination with taking electronics apart and looking at their control boards. Now he is making his own control boards and learning all about currents and resistors. I think he now knows more about electricity than I do.

My favorite thing this week was…

The best outcome from this week has been Joel’s new passion and interest in learning. He is excited about reading and learning — and that is a great thing!

Rosanna WardRosanna Ward is a devoted wife of 19 years and mother of four children, two of which are homeschool graduates. She currently homeschools her 7-year-old son Joel and her youngest son is a toddler. Rosanna is a homeschool graduate and has been homeschooling for seven years. Rosanna loves to study History and Genealogy: Her genealogy blog is called “Rosanna’s Genealogical Thoughts.” She and her family reside in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.

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3 thoughts on “Friday Flashback: Reading spark from Captain Underpants

  1. Rosanna, I’m always so interested in seeing the differences in our homeschool since you have boys and I have girls! Captain Underpants sounds like fun, whereas at our house it was Rainbow Fairies and Puppy Place that got Claire passionate about reading in 1st & 2nd grade. And I’m pretty sure they’ve never taken anything electronic apart, I don’t think it has ever occurred to any of them. I should ask Kenny to demonstrate how it’s done sometime!

    Sounds like a great week!

  2. I remember my son reading those just like it was yesterday!! Big Captain Underpants fans here!!

  3. We bought our son the snap kit for Christmas and it was one of his favorite gifts. I love how it challenges him. He can stay busy with it for hours! We haven’t yet delved into the Captain Underpants series, but I’m sure it won’t be long 😉

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