NextGen Homeschool

Friday Flashback: “Spring” break… or was it?

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In our homeschool this week… we never took an official spring break, so we planned to take Monday-Wednesday off this week to head up to the mountains before most of the ski resorts closed for the season.

Homeschool Spring Break Skiing

After having such beautiful weather at the end of last week, it was hard to imagine hitting the slopes. However, in true Colorado style, another snowstorm moved into the state on Monday and we had fresh powdery slopes to enjoy on Tuesday. It was below freezing for several days this week, and although it’s warmed up today, we hear that another snowstorm is on the horizon for next week. Gotta love Colorado in the spring!

Homeschool Spring Break Skiing2

One highlight of this “last hurrah” of the ski season was that our five-year-old daughter really knows how to ski now. She can ride the chairlift in the beginner area and has good control to stop and turn. She wanted to ride all the way down from the top of Vail, but we parents weren’t quite ready to tackle that long descent with her. Something to look forward to next winter.

My kiddos favorite thing this week was… attending the monthly elementary presentation day of our local homeschool support group. They were so excited about participating, they gave up an extra day of skiing to drive back in time for presentation day. It warms my heart to see how much they look forward to it now, and how far they’ve come as public speakers.

Homeschool  Presentation Day

We rushed home from the mountains to make it just in time. This month’s topic was “Did you know… ” — fun topic! I can see now why the girls didn’t want to miss it.

My favorite thing this week was… when my five-year-old lost her second tooth this morning! The experience was especially exciting because the first tooth she lost disappeared unbeknownst to her one evening and we never found it. This time, she felt it coming loose, pulled it out, cleaned it up, and put it in the tooth box for the tooth fairy.

Homeschool Spring Break Lost Tooth

My baby girl is growing up SO fast!

NEWLOGObutton150x150SYCYAHThings I’m working on… The writers of NextGen Homeschool and I are broadening our horizons. I’m happy to announce that I am now a Contributing Writer for the recently re-launched So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler site. To celebrate the re-launch as a group blog, editor Carlie Kercheval is hosting a fabulous homeschool curriculum giveaway — including Amazon gift cards, curriculum and tools — that you don’t want to miss out on! Visit the re-launch news page to enter.

Stay tuned for more news about where you will see NextGen Homeschool writers appearing in the future!

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2 thoughts on “Friday Flashback: “Spring” break… or was it?

  1. I love smiles that are missing teeth. My daughter has a tooth missing currently and I just love that smile.

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