NextGen Homeschool

Friday Flashback: Sunshine, golf & gladiators

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MothersJournalIHNIn my life this week… The past few days have been gorgeous here in Northeast Oklahoma. Today it is in the mid 70s and sunny. My husband came home from working at the Daylight Donuts shops we own and took our son Joel golfing.

On Thursday mornings, Joel goes with his dad to get inventory for the shop and “works” for a while, which he loves. One of the many things I love about our homeschool lifestyle is the flexibility to do things like that.

Homeschool Activities

In our homeschool this week… Monday we took our school over to my sister Elizabeth’s house and worked together. We do history together and Rocket Math. I also grade her older girls’ tests and sometimes help with their lesson plans to keep them on track.

Joel is reading Arthur Scott Bailey’s book, “The Tale of Jolly Robin” and is enjoying it, as well as Life of Fred: Apples, which he is almost finished with.

In history, we are learning about the gladiators, which is especially interesting to an 8- year-old boy. Lately, science has consisted of exploring the great outdoors. I believe boys, at this age especially, live “science” when they are allowed free playtime. Joel spends a lot of time in the woods behind our house and at the ponds, hiking and collecting stuff. Last week he brought home a turtle skeleton… gross!

Homeschool Activities

We are still struggling through spelling and writing. I had Joel write his own “thank you” notes for the birthday gifts that he received last week. It took us three days to get through twelve cards — and involved me spelling everything out or writing sentences and having him copy what I wrote. I’m hoping that as his spelling gets better, he won’t struggle so much with writing.

My kiddos favorite thing this week was… Joel passed his “s” in addition in Rocket Math and is super excited. Especially when his dad told him on Wednesday that when he passes all of addition, he will take him to the go-kart track near our house for an outing. I don’t think I will have any problems motivating him through the last few letters!

Homeschool Curriculum Rocket Math

Overall it was a good week, a typical week for us — which usually holds a few surprises.

How was your homeschool week? Are you getting spring fever from warm weather, or did you have a wintry week? What was your favorite highlight of homeschooling this week? We’d love to hear about it in the comments section below!

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4 thoughts on “Friday Flashback: Sunshine, golf & gladiators

  1. It’s fun to see another homeschool family using rocket math. I was contemplating getting that earlier this week. My daughter used it when she was in PS, and it was so effective for her.

  2. Rosanna Ward says:

    We are loving rocket math! Just reading the instructions was an education for me on the importance of automaticity.

  3. My son is also struggling with writing and spelling. The amazing thing is that he spells the difficult words correctly. It is the easy ones he continues to get wrong. I hope you’ll consider adding this post to my end of the week HS link up, Homeschool Review.

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