NextGen Homeschool

Homeschool Graduation, Then Begin Again…

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The year 2010 was a bizarre year for me. My oldest daughter, Hannah, graduated high school as a homeschooler in May, and Leif, our youngest son, was born in October.

This year feels pretty weird too. My second daughter, Virginia, is having a homeschool graduation on May 5th. Meanwhile her next younger sibling, Joel (age 7), is about to finish first grade. So just when I finish teaching my girls, I start full swing into teaching the boys.

I miss teaching the girls and I know that teaching boys will be totally different. And while I am determined to do a better job this time around as I am now an experienced homeschool teacher, I believe we did a pretty good job with the girls. They have both done well enough on their ACTs to get into most colleges, although neither one is all that interested in the college route right now. More importantly to me is that they are both God girls: They both have beautiful God-directed hearts. They aren’t perfect by any means, but we never went through the “rebellious teen years” with them.

So now, as we start again with boys, my prayer is that Jason and I are able to do even better at educating the boys and motivating them to greatness, but I also pray that the boys will have the great characters and hearts that their sisters have.

Have you had a homeschool graduation yet? Are any phases in your homeschooling coming to an end? Are you starting any new phases this coming year? What are you most excited about? What will you miss? Share your story in the comments below.

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