NextGen Homeschool

Homeschooling Tweens: Great Group Activities

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Today we’re finally celebrating my eldest daughter’s thirteenth birthday with her friends (two weeks late!), and as we prepare to welcome her guests, I’m reminded about how blessed we are to have made such wonderful friendships with other families of “tweens” in our local homeschool support group.

This year we noticed that our homeschool group’s tween segment had grown quite large, and while these middle schoolers aren’t quite ready for (nor wanting to participate in) teen-specific activities, they are too mature for the “kids” programs in our group. Because two of the tweens were my own daughters, I decided to help fill this gap in our activities plan by coming up with some plans that were designed especially for them.


Today, I’m contributing my post on “Group Activities for Homeschooled Middle Schoolers at the Teach Them Diligently Convention’s homeschool bloggers corner. In this post, I share three types of group activities that homeschooled tweens can thrive in at their stage and feel comfortable socially, while they still enjoy being kids!  They are also easy to coordinate and suitable for families with young ones as well as tweens.

While you’re there, take a minute to check out this year’s schedule of Teach Them Diligently Convention events. Today is the last day to save $10 on a family registration, which is just $55 for three days, for the first two locations.

Here are two NextGen Homeschool posts where my sister-in-law Rosanna and I share what we gained from attending last year:

 Are you homeschooling tweens? If so, what challenges are you experiencing with their physical, emotional and social changes? Do you participate in any activities organized for homeschooled tweens? What are some of your tween’s favorites?

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