NextGen Homeschool

Join Us in 30 Days of Thanks This November

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In recent years, many people have participated in a 30 Days of Thanks challenge on their blogs or social media by expressing thankfulness for at least one thing every day in November. We at NextGen Homeschool are going to take this challenge together — and we’d love for you to join in with us!

30DaysOfThanksWe will be posting all month at NextGen Homeschool about some of the things we are personally thankful for, and when we do, the post will include a link-up at the bottom so you can share posts of your own on the topic of thankfulness. If you don’t blog, no worries: We will also post a 30 Days of Thanks prompt on our Facebook page every day this month so that you can add your comments there. All of our posts will include a #30daysofthanks hashtag so you can find them easily.

30 Days of Thanks: November 1


To kick things off, I’m sharing one thing that I am personally thankful for today: Technology! LOL — literally. Like most people, I have a love/hate relationship with technology depending on how well it’s cooperating with me. However, I am always thankful to have it!

On days like today when nothing seems to work right, I make a point to remind myself what a blessing it really is to have all the technology tools we have — especially for homeschooling. Access to the Internet, laptops, printers, e-devices, and smart phones make it possible to do “school” anywhere, anytime! Access to a library at our fingertips, research resources, videos and music, online lessons, and more. The learning possibilities with use of technology go on and on.

Here are just a few reasons why I am so thankful for the technology that supports us in our homeschooling:

  • We have instant access to reading material via Kindle and to new curriculum via digital downloads.
  • We can access online learning resources, such as virtual classrooms, online lessons, video tutorials, language and music, and more.
  • We can save money by printing only what we need to use.
  • We can work outside and on the go.
  • We can easily share resources.
  • We have 24/7 access to information online and research is a snap.
  • We can learn from others via blogs, online communities, etc.
  • We can easily keep in touch with family & friends no matter where live.
  • We can easily share photos and journal our experiences to share with others.
  • I can work from home!

So even though my laptop had memory glitches that took forever to remedy and our new printer was printing blank pages for a while, I am still extremely thankful today for technology and the blessing to own the tools we do have — even when they’re glitchy!

Will you join us in 30 Days of Thanks this month? What are you thankful for today? What are you most thankful for in your homeschooling journey this week? Share with us in the comments below: We love to hear from you!


3 thoughts on “Join Us in 30 Days of Thanks This November

  1. I am Thankful that Renee took my Xtrain class so I could hire her as my social media guru because she ❤s the challenges of technology by being so patient and willing to do it right!

    1. Thank you Kacey! I am thankful for YOU and your encouragement & coaching to take good care of myself. It’s a pleasure to support Hot Fitness & all the wonderful women who work there AND work out there! 🙂

  2. I’m thankful for my family, my children and for the opportunity of teaching them about gratitude. I did a picture book to teach kids about gratitude. It’s called: Thankful For Today by Roitman Trillo. You can take a look at it on this link. I would like to give a copy to other homeschooling moms if you would like to do a giveaway during this season.

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