NextGen Homeschool

Making Time for Personal Daily Bible Reading

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Daily Bible Reading RoutineEarlier this summer, I shared what God has shown me about spending time with Him every morning — even though I’m not a morning person. My morning Bible reading time doesn’t have the same purpose as reading for a Bible study — it’s about filling my mind with God’s word so that my thoughts turn to Him throughout the day. It’s about being transformed by the renewing of my mind. (Romans 12:2).

MYB-NEW-August-2013-Button-150x150When I consider why I struggled to develop a daily Bible reading routine in the past, poor time management was an issue — but it was a lot more than that. And no matter how many reading plans I picked up or devotionals I purchased, I was never consistent.

Join me this week at Managing Your Blessings, where I’m sharing what I have learned about developing a personal daily Bible reading routine. I also share four steps to take if you’ve struggled to stay diligent in your Bible reading plan.

Have you struggled to develop a daily Bible reading routine? What are your challenges? Time management? Motivation? If you do read the Bible every day, what reading approach has worked best for you? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

4 thoughts on “Making Time for Personal Daily Bible Reading

  1. This article blessed my heart and was much needed. I am a homeschooling Momma of 2 while battling anxiety. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. So glad I can encourage you Amy! I too have battled anxiety, and the daily Bible reading & meditating on key scriptures was critical to fighting against it. I’ll be praying for you!

  2. I too have had trouble staying consistent with my Bible reading and personal time with God. I homeschool 4 amazing kids and work nights. My husband is gone for work Monday through Saturday evening. I feel split too many directions, and sadly my quiet time is usually what suffers most. 🙁

    1. Thanks for sharing Katis! I think we all go through seasons where it is particularly challenging: New infants, changes in work schedules, etc. You may not be able to pick the same time of day each day, however I know your spirit will be filled and refreshed whenever you find those quiet times to commune with your heavenly Father & listen to Him speak to you through His word! I’ll be praying for you & your family!

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