NextGen Homeschool

NGHS Journal: Rosanna Day 14, August 23, 2012

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Joel in his first piano lesson

No extra kids today.  My sister decided to stay home and recuperate another day.  So our routine was pretty much the same today as yesterday.  We got all of our school work done by 1:00.  After that I took Joel to buy soccer stuff since I signed Joel up for soccer this season.

I also got him a new pair of roller blades since he has worn his last pair out.  He has a bike, a razor trike, a scooter, and rollerblades and he uses all of them daily.  In fact he has burned through three scooters and three bikes, this is his third pair of roller blades and his razor is broke down.  Boys are hard on their toys.

Joel also had his first piano lesson today.  He goes to Firey Music which is about 5 miles from home. His teacher was a very nice lady and she said her grandchildren are homeschooled.  In this part of the country you I think everybody is related to or knows somebody that homeschools.  I think Joel is going to enjoy piano.

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