NextGen Homeschool

Simple Homeschool Co-Op for Tweens: Book Clubs

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Last week we kicked off our fourth semester of girls book club with ten other homeschooling moms & their daughters. The girls book club is a homeschool “co-op” (cooperative education group) that I started two years ago and have continued to coordinate since then, chronicling our journey here at NextGen Homeschool.

Although my original intent for the girls book club was to bring together the tween girls specifically, our group has grown to include families with tween daughters and young readers, so we’ve adapted to include the younger girls in our program. We still meet together and read the same books, but mothers read aloud to the younger girls and we split off into two different groups for discussion so that the questions and activities can be tailored to their age levels. So far, the book club continues to be a simple homeschool co-op format that is flexible and fun, while meeting our mission as homeschooling parents coming together.


This week, I’m sharing a post at the Teach Them Diligently Blog about why Book Clubs are an ideal simple homeschool co-op format for tweens. Whatever the form, homeschool co-ops can be very useful for enriching your homeschool plans with additional academic and social learning opportunities. If you’re looking for a simple yet worthwhile co-op idea for your tweens, a book club is a great place to start.


In this post, I share three reasons why book clubs are a flexible fit for this age group, how to go about setting up a tween book club of your own, and what key questions need to be answered to make sure your book club meets the needs of your participating families.

While you’re there, take a minute to check out this year’s schedule of Teach Them Diligently Convention events. There’s still time to save $10 on a family registration, which is just $55 for three days of quality training, speakers and curriculum support!

 Are you homeschooling tweens? If so, do you participate in any organized or informal co-ops for homeschooled tweens? What are some of the best homeschool co-ops that you’ve participated in?

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