NextGen Homeschool

Strategies to Slow Down & Savor the Season

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FiveWaysSlowDownMYBCan you believe Thanksgiving is less than one week away? Ready or not, the retail rush into the holidays has been in full force for weeks now, with Christmas displays up at some stores in my town even before Halloween! And I’ve been inundated with email ads from businesses that can’t even wait for Black Friday — sending their deals early and encouraging me to shop this weekend.

I don’t like being ambushed by the commercial frenzy: I want to savor the season, spend meaningful time with my family, and share gifts from the heart — and I’m sure I’m not the only one. So how can we avoid being rushed through the holidays?

Join me today at Managing Your Blessings, where I’m sharing five strategies that have helped me slow down and keep my family’s focus on the reason for the season. It is possible to enjoy the your family’s favorite traditions, stay under budget, and share the love that we celebrate at Christmas without running ourselves ragged!

Read the full post here…

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How do you make sure to slow down during the holiday season? What are some of your family’s favorite traditions? What do you do to keep your family focused on the reason for the season? Share your strategies and challenges in the comments below.

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