NextGen Homeschool

NGHS Journal: History meets art with sugar cube pyramids

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The Ward Family — Day 29 — September 14, 2012

Today we met for school at my sister’s house. While the kids worked on their math, I ran to the store for sugar cubes and icing. After most of the kids had finished with their math (Joel was being silly and unfocused), we did a fun history/art project. We made sugar cube pyramids!

I had done this with the girls about six years ago, and we all remember what fun it was then. And it was fun again today. Liz’s girls had some competitive remarks hurled and bickering over one sister moving the table or using too many sugar cubes. But hurt feelings aside, everyone ended up doing a great job. I got to help Joel but only because I couldn’t help myself. Elizabeth helped Cadence, and Leif just played with the cubes and icing.

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Rosanna Ward is a devoted wife of 19 years and mother of four children, two of which are homeschool graduates. She currently homeschools her 7-year-old son Joel and her youngest son is a toddler. Rosanna is a homeschool graduate and has been homeschooling for seven years. Rosanna loves to study History and Genealogy: Her genealogy blog is called “Rosanna’s Genealogical Thoughts.” She and her family reside in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.

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