NextGen Homeschool

Thankful to Homeschool When Life Happens

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I’m going to be honest here: This year has been particularly hard. Life has gotten pretty crazy with major changes for our business, home and family, including the building and development of newly purchased property while trying to sell our existing home. My well-laid homeschool plans have had to be scratched and contingency plans put in place.

Many might think that when life gets crazy and there are many distractions, it would be better to put your child back in school, whether it’s public or private. However, I have learned from past experience that the hard years, although tough to get through, really produce the most growth for the entire family.


Despite everything we have to contend with, we still manage to get through our lessons. Yes, they are stripped down from more elaborate plans I may have made, but we are getting the meat of each subject accomplished.

Although much of our days are spent taking care of the things life has thrown at us, I am thankful that throughout this time, we are showing our boys real-world decision making and time management, making the most of every learning opportunity. I am thankful to have the experience to trust that a year from now, we will look back and be proud of what we accomplished this year.

My prayer is that my boys will see their parents working together to make wise decisions, and that through this time, we will be able to help them develop their character. I am also thankful for a God that leads us, walks beside us, and comes behind us — helping us fix what we might miss. Despite our challenging year, I am thankful to homeschool because of the freedom it gives us to live and learn life together as a family.

Why are you most thankful to homeschool? What helps you get through the challenging days when “life happens” and you have to shift gears? Share with us in the comments below.

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