NextGen Homeschool

This Week in History: Resolved White, our Mayflower Ancestor

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This week in History, we will be talking about the Mayflower and our first intersection with our family’s ancestors. Resolved White was a five-year-old boy when he sailed with his father and mother, William and Susannah White, to the New World to find religious freedom. We don’t know if he was born in Leiden, Holland, or in England, but we do know that he survived the journey to America. My children, as well as my brother and sister’s children, are the 11th great-grandchildren of Resolved White.

It is hard to imagine what that journey and first horrible winter must have been like for this five-year-old boy. The Mayflower had been blown off course and landed farther north of the land they had a charter for. Resolved’s brother Peregine (meaning “the wanderer”) was born on board the ship that winter. Because they had arrived too late to plant or even to build homes on land, they were still living on the ship. Along with hunger, they suffered from diseases common to people living in close quarters without modern hygiene. Resolved’s father William, along with almost half of the passengers, died on board. His mother Susannah soon married Edward Winslow, who had also lost his wife that winter.  

I am proud to be related to such courageous ancestors, who stood apart for their beliefs and made great sacrifices. I hope that my students will feel a stronger connection to Resolved’s story knowing that he is their ancestor. He is the first among many ancestors that we will study in context of the time periods in which they lived as we travel along through American History this year.

3 thoughts on “This Week in History: Resolved White, our Mayflower Ancestor

  1. My ancestor is also Resolve White! My mother told me stories as a child. Some of my family members have gotten their names on the Mayflower society to document it. I haven’t yet. I also heard my great grandmother inherited a castle in England, which goes back to the last Name Rice a Dutchess. My great grandmother with the last name White turned the castle down because she couldn’t afford the taxes. My mother now 94 told me we have Royal blood line. I don’t know much more. I wonder how many people I’m related to? There was 7 in my mother’s family, my mom had 10 children, has 57 grandchildren and 68 great grandchildren. Her siblings as well all had pretty large families. I need to search more, I find this amazing
    My mother’s maiden name. Brackett
    my maiden name Coste
    Love to hear feed back on this!!

    1. Deanna Webb Ajmeri says:

      I too am of Resolve White ancestry. Just found out last year from my wonderful aunt in Cali. (Right after I moved to Massachusetts) Pretty ironic huh!
      Very happy and proud. I would love to connect with some of u and learn more! My kids have been made Jr Mayflower Honorary Society members. I also homeschool them…

      1. Rosanna Ward says:

        I got my Mayflower information through my aunt who is a genealogist and has done a ton of work on my maternal side. I think my White connections is through my Parmenter ancestors. I also believe I have a Mayflower connection on my paternal side which is my main area of research. I have been searching for awhile and I think I have narrowed it down to my Dilworth ancestor now I just need to find the connection to the Mayflower. We haven’t joined any societies yet but I am really considering it. We can also get into the Daughters of the American Revolution. I have alot of fun with it and hopefully my kids will enjoy it as well.

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