NextGen Homeschool

When Tough Circumstances Create Doubt: Should I Continue to Homeschool?

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Should I Continue to Homeshool?

I have been homeschooling for 10 years now, and I’ve never really questioned our decision to homeschool. I have always enjoyed teaching my kids and being there for the “lightbulb” moments on their educational journeys. Don’t get me wrong: Homeschooling is hard, and I lose my patience and blow it constantly. But I just love living life more fully with my family, and even when that life has become hectic, we continue to homeschool.

I have two daughters who have graduated from our homeschool and are out there today proving they had a good education. However, I have learned in the past few years that you can’t “save” your children simply by homeschooling them. Salvation is between Christ and the heart of each child. I’ve gone through the angst of worrying that my young adult child will make very big, very bad decisions. I have had to let go and pray from the sidelines. It’s hard letting go — especially when you have been so involved in their upbringing.

This year has been particularly difficult and emotional for me, through no fault of my children. Because of the challenges that I’m navigating through personally, I struggle with consistency in our homeschooling — and for the first time, I’m also struggling with motivation. I’m asking myself: “What do I really think I am accomplishing by homeschooling my boys? Would they be better off in public school, giving me some freedom to fix myself?”

The thing is, I have had to let go of a lot over the past couple of years, and it’s driven me to the point of just throwing up my hands and telling God, “Take it all! I obviously don’t deserve anything.” I have been having this conversation with God a lot lately — every night in fact.

And what do I keep hearing in reply?

“Trust me and keep doing what I told you to do. You are what your children need right now.”

So I get up every morning, and I trust God for one more day. One more day to love on my boys. One more day to show them God’s love and teach them about His great big creation. One more day to grow and stretch in ways I never believed I could. One more day to serve God where He put me and asked me to serve. One more day to press on in our homeschooling.

Our journey as believers isn’t promised to be an easy one, however, we are promised God’s presence and guidance along the way. The enemy is obviously battling hard to thwart the efforts of families who are pressing in to accomplish God’s calling in their lives — throwing obstacles and distractions into your path to take your eyes off the finish line. Maybe you’re facing income loss, health challenges, marital conflict, single parenthood or challenging children… whatever the battle, doubt is likely to creep in. You may be asking yourself right now: Should I continue to homeschool?

I encourage you to keep pressing closer to your Heavenly Father and seek His answer, no matter what it may be. I’m not saying that there will never be a time to stop homeschooling, however, in my case I know that’s not the answer. If God leads you to continue despite tough circumstances, trust that He will equip you with everything you need for the journey — and will complete the good work He has started in you and your family.

“Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You.”

— Psalm 143:8 (NKJV)


Are you in the midst of a struggle that’s creating doubt about whether you should continue to homeschool? If you’ve been there and kept going, what helped you press forward despite challenging circumstances? Have you ever felt God telling you to not to continue to homeschool? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. 

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