NextGen Homeschool

When the War of Words Wears You Down

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You may have noticed a little lull in new posts on NextGen Homeschool this past week. I’ll be honest: We’re a bit worn out. Not simply busy or overwhelmed with our families, our homeschooling, our work, and our schedules, but a little worn down by the war of words that recently appeared after Rosanna’s blog post about her experience being interviewed by a TV news journalist about homeschooling regulations in Oklahoma. As homeschoolers, we’re no strangers to experiences of disagreement about homeschooling. However, the spirit behind these most recent attacks demonstrates something entirely different: The war against Christianity. This is a real battle, and one we can’t run away from as followers of Christ today.

As you know, our mission here is to encourage those seeking encouragement on your own homeschooling journey. And we know that you too may find yourself weary fighting a war of words with those who come against your homeschooling choices or your faith. So we’re jumping back in the saddle today, with a renewed sense of purpose about why we’re blogging our experiences with you: To support and uplift the body of Christ!

The Real Battle & Living In The Word Link-UpToday, I’m sharing a post at Managing Your Blessings about “The Real Battle” we face as believers who are homeschooling, and how to find strength and courage in Christ when you feel like you’re being attacked from all sides. I invite you to join me there for my full post, where I’m sharing what God has been showing me through His word about what’s really at stake when we “war” with others, how to be spiritually prepared for battle, and what promises we can hold onto as we stand firm in the faith.

Plus, you’ll find the Living in the Word Link-Up below my post, where other Christian bloggers share what they’re learning from their own personal study of God’s word this week!

Do you ever feel “under attack” by negative news, social media squabbles, or heated debates with loved ones? How do you respond? How do you think you can give a defense for your faith in an effective way? How can you better prepare yourself for the real battle?

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