After our recent close encounters with mule deer in our neighborhood, the girls wrote the following poems to express what they learned about deer in our factual research, Biblical study and personal experiences with these beautiful creatures. The details of […]
Elections night party and the morning after
Another national election has come and gone: The results are in, and today, we move forward. For me, this election was significant not just because I had strong personal convictions about the issues our country faces, but because I was […]
Up close and personal with the elections
This weekend I came to a better appreciation of living in a swing state: It can be pretty exciting and fun the week before a national election if you stop answering your phone and watching live TV, and take advantage […]
Oops, I did it again! Changing curriculum again… and again
My experiences changing curriculum have been pretty well documented on this blog. If you haven’t followed my journey, here are the highlights of our curriculum exploration over the past two years… First Year: My Father’s World and why it didn’t […]
NGHS Journal: History meets art with sugar cube pyramids
The Ward Family — Day 29 — September 14, 2012 Today we met for school at my sister’s house. While the kids worked on their math, I ran to the store for sugar cubes and icing. After most of the […]
NGHS Journal: Friday Fun Day, Shopping in the Prize Bucket
I can’t believe we have been in school for one month already! Friday was a fun day. After Devotion and Math, Joel got to use the points he earned in August and go “shopping” in our prize bucket! He had […]
NGHS Journal Rosanna Ward: Day 1 – August 6, 2012
By Rosanna Ward Monday was the first day of our new school year. Even though I don’t believe that learning should be limited to “school” — and decidedly believe that much real learning takes place outside “school” hours — I […]
Gearing up for Back-to-School: Ward Family
Although my son Joel and I have been reading and doing math facts practice all summer, along with golf and swim lessons, August 6th will be our “official” back-to-school start date. That means back into (um… or beginning) a routine: […]
Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: How do you schedule your day?
Welcome to “Ask a NextGen Homeschooler…” It’s your turn to ask the writers at NextGen Homeschool — four formerly homeschooled moms who are now homeschooling our children — to weigh in on your homeschooling questions. From the practical to the personal, […]
The Gotcher Family’s Homeschool “Day in the Life”
This week I’m participating in Q&A Friday at Simple Homeschool, and this week’s topic is Your Homeschool “Day in the Life.” I had planned to write earlier this week but a little bout of illness went through the family, so […]
Our Homeschool Systems: The Prize Bucket
This week I’m participating with a homeschool blog link-up called “The Homeschool Mother’s Journal” hosted by The Homeschool Chick. In our homeschool this week… I updated my “prize bucket” for my six-year-old Joel. The prize bucket is something I started […]
Friday Flashback: “I Want to be a Pro Golfer”
By Rosanna Ward This week I’m participating with a homeschool blog link-up called “The Homeschool Mother’s Journal” hosted by The Homeschool Chick. My six-year-old son Joel has been cracking me up this week. I am really enjoying spending some one-on-one […]
Friday Flashback: (Sort of) Getting in the Groove
This week I’m participating with a homeschool blog link-up called “The Homeschool Mother’s Journal” hosted by The Homeschool Chick. This week I was all prepared to get back into the groove of our weekly homeschool flow. We almost got there… […]
Rethinking Our Holiday Session
In our homeschool, we have made it a tradition in the past that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, we stop our regular school schedule and lessons, and we focus on fun seasonal subjects. We take extra time to learn […]
The Title Hooked Me
By Rosanna Ward “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons,” the title beckoned me. Wait, what? Only 100 easy lessons? I can do that, or at least, I think I can. Would I take the bait? I started […]