We will be posting all month at NextGen Homeschool about some of the things we are personally thankful for, and when we do, the post will include a link-up at the bottom so you can share posts of your own […]
Join Us in 30 Days of Thanks This November
In recent years, many people have participated in a 30 Days of Thanks challenge on their blogs or social media by expressing thankfulness for at least one thing every day in November. We at NextGen Homeschool are going to take […]
Why Our Girls Said No To Halloween This Year
There’s been a lot of sparring in the social media world this month about what a Christian should or shouldn’t do on Halloween. Personally, I’ll be glad when the opinions are put to rest for another 11 months — although […]
Seeking God’s Direction: Where do I Start?
When you are faced with major decisions regarding your homeschooling, your family, your own personal role and relationships, seeking God’s direction can seem very challenging. Even your daily decisions can get bogged down with the opinions and advice of others, […]
Autumn Inspiration: Fall Foliage Hikes
When it comes to Autumn inspiration, the scenic mountains of Colorado and Aspen groves turning into blankets of pure gold never fail to take my breath away. One of my family’s most treasured Autumn traditions is taking fall foliage hikes […]
All Good Parents “Homeschool”
I truly believe that all good parents are equipped to teach their children at home — because they are already doing so. From the moment a child is born, parents lovingly teach and direct him/her. We patiently teach them how […]
Apologetics: Becoming Defenders of the Faith
As I’ve shared a few times recently, I was blessed to attend the Teach Them Diligently Convention for the first time this past spring. One message at the conference really stood out for me: Why it’s important to specifically equip […]
How to Homeschool When Spouse Travels
This week NextGen Homeschool is linking up with Teach Them Diligently’s bloggers on the topic: “How to Homeschool When… Life Throws a Curveball.“ My husband travels a lot for work, and although this fact isn’t anything new (he’s been traveling […]
A New Approach to Family Bible Study
Like my sister-in-law Rosanna shared in her post last week, I too was inspired at the Teach Them Diligently Convention this year to take a closer look at how we center our homeschooling and our family around God’s word. Equipping […]
What is Teach Them Diligently Marketplace?
Imagine a convention center full of like-minded homeschoolers, encouraging speakers, discount curriculum and qualified specialists to help equip you for your homeschool journey… It’s not too good to be true! Teach Them Diligently is bringing a unique homeschool experience to […]
Teach Them Diligently Speaker Sound Bites
As I shared last week in my “Seven Key Take-Aways” post about the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Omaha, I was blessed to receive a message that I wasn’t exactly prepared for. I realized that in order to lead my […]
Teach Them Diligently Take-Away: Battle’s On!
As my sister-in-law Rosanna shared last week in her “Seven Key Take-Aways” post, we met up in Omaha last week to attend the last Teach Them Diligently Convention of this summer — and we both walked away with a message […]
Seven Key Take-Aways at Teach Them Diligently
My sister-in-law Renée and I decided to meet up at the Teaching Them Diligently Convention in Omaha last week. I went into it prepared as usual and expecting to have the same uplifting and educational experience I get when I […]
Join us to Help Oklahoma Tornado Victims
The devastation in the United State’s Midwest region breaks our hearts. Oklahoma in particular is near and dear to us here at NextGen Homeschool because two of our authors (Rosanna Ward and Elizabeth Thomas) grew up and started their own […]
How to Plan for Homeschool Travel
Anytime we have the opportunity to travel as a family, we are looking for fun and adventure. However, one of my favorite benefits of homeschooling is the chance to take a homeschool travel approach to the trip and seize the […]