We’re all familiar with the common conflicts between parents and teens, situations like: “My teenage daughter is addicted to her phone, and if we take it away for punishment, she acts like her life is over! How can I be […]
Parenting Tweens & Teens: Fears to Overcome
When our children are young, danger is obvious. The guidance we provide is very tangible, and saying “no” is part of daily life. However, as our children enter the tween and teen years and begin to develop their own judgement, […]
Homeschooling High School: You Can Do It!
Many parents are worried about homeschooling high school. There are more records to keep, credits to prepare for and keep track of, the ACT/SAT tests to study for and take, driver’s ed, and the list goes on. All that plus […]
Homeschool Graduation, Then Begin Again…
The year 2010 was a bizarre year for me. My oldest daughter, Hannah, graduated high school as a homeschooler in May, and Leif, our youngest son, was born in October. This year feels pretty weird too. My second daughter, Virginia, […]
Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: What About Socialization?
Welcome to “Ask a NextGen Homeschooler.” It’s your turn to ask the writers at NextGen Homeschool — four formerly homeschooled moms who are now homeschooling our children — to weigh in on your homeschooling questions. From the practical to the […]
High School Homeschool Record-Keeping
I am very blessed to live in “the best homeschooling state in the nation” (quote from OCHEC): Oklahoma is the only state with a constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to homeschool, via the “unless other means of education are provided” […]
The Year of the Split: Teaching Different Ages
A “split” in bowling is when you leave pins on either side of the lane, but the ones in the middle are gone. I’m calling this school year “the year of the split” — I will be teaching my daughter […]