NextGen Homeschool

Tuesday’s Tip: Must-have electronics kit for kids

By Rosanna Ward

My son Joel, age 7, enjoys taking old electronics apart, such as DVD players, cable boxes, and more.


My best friend was here a few weeks ago, and she told me how much her son loved the Elenco Electronics Snap Kit they had bought for him for Christmas. So I got on and bought one — per my friend’s advice. I got the big kit so that he would have plenty of projects to keep him busy.

It was the best buy I’ve made for school this year!

Joel loves doing these projects, and he has learned so much about how electricity works. It is amazing! I am sure he knows more than I do already. The kit is very easy to use and the manuals are easy enough for a seven-year-old to read. Just like the name says, the pieces snap together.


I didn’t really have a good science curriculum for him this semester, and I found the Elenco kit at the perfect time. I love that my son really thinks he is “playing” but I know he is doing “school” — and learning so much. I bought a clear plastic tub with a handle on it that he keeps the parts in (of course, because I am a clear plastic-tub lover).

So if you are looking for a fun science activity that can be done independently with minimal mess, the Elenco Electronics Snap Kit is worth every penny!

Rosanna WardRosanna Ward is a devoted wife of 19 years and mother of four children, two of which are homeschool graduates. She currently homeschools her 7-year-old son Joel and her youngest son is a toddler. Rosanna is a homeschool graduate and has been homeschooling for seven years. Rosanna loves to study History and Genealogy: Her genealogy blog is called “Rosanna’s Genealogical Thoughts.” She and her family reside in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.

6 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Tip: Must-have electronics kit for kids

  1. Stephanie says:

    Very cool! I have never heard of these! I was actually JUST online looking for science activities for my son when I got sucked in by Pinterest … oh ! I mean .. when I found your post 😉
    Thank you! We will have to give this a try!

  2. My daughter has a kit similar to the one your son has. It is fun to sneak in some school when she does not know it. 🙂

    Angie McFarren

  3. Rosanna Ward says:

    Stephanie, I think your son will love them! I highly recommend them.
    Angie, my oldest daughter, now 19, would probably have liked these when she was younger – she really like K’nex. Thank you ladies for commenting!

  4. Rosanna,
    That sounds like an excellent idea. I am a former teacher and I know I loved to give the kids opportunities for hands-on activities as much as possible. Kids learn by doing.

  5. Hello everyone,

    Our family lives in Thailand. My son also learn in the homeschooling. Which is something very strange in Thailand. The son was 9 years old, he chose calibration GED at the age of 17 years. But we have very poor English. It is not our primary language.

    Son likes the electronics projects and DIY at home like me.

    Your website is very interesting that we understand more home schools.

    Children interested in electronics It’s very good

    Thanks for reading
    Momename (Apichet)

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