Homeschool Mother's Journal


Homeschool Mother's Journal

NextGen Homeschool is proud to be the new host of the Homeschool Mother’s Journal weekly blog link-up, and we are thrilled to welcome you to our community of homeschooling mamas just like you!

This is a place where you can come for weekly homeschool inspiration and encouragement — where you can glean great ideas from other moms walking on the homeschool path (or, if you’re a blogger, to share the wisdom God is teaching you about homeschooling).

Each week we want to celebrate authentic, honest homeschooling by featuring moms just like you: moms who don’t have it all figured out, but who are learning day-by-day from the Master Teacher. Be sure to visit these and other awesome posts you find in the link-up!

Whether you are new to homeschooling or it’s been a part of your family’s life for many years, we want you to be blessed, refreshed and replenished after your visit to the Homeschool Mother’s Journal.

You’ll find the most recent link-ups here.

New to the Homeschool Mother’s Journal Link-Up:

Starting in February 2016, we will feature a theme of the week to help you select which posts you’d like to share on the link-up. These themes are suggested: If you have something on your heart that you really want to share, feel free! However, if you haven’t posted anything new, you can still participate each week by choosing a post from the past that fits the week’s theme.

We will rotate through these four themes every month:

  • First Saturday of the Month: What’s New — New to your homeschool, new activities or field trips you’ve participated in, new books you’ve read, changes or adjustments you’ve made, etc. 
  • Second Saturday of the Month: What’s Working — Homeschooling tips and tools, how-to posts, resources that are really working for your family, etc.
  • Third Saturday of the Month: What I’m Learning — Homeschooling encouragement and advice, new topics you’re learning about, take-aways from conferences and retreats, etc.
  • Fourth Saturday of the Month: What’s Important — Faith and family posts, life lessons, big picture issues, personal growth, etc.
  • Fifth Saturday of the Month: Reader Favorites — Posts that have received high traffic or community interaction from your reader community.

Community interaction on our social media pages:

Every week, we share your posts on our Homeschool Mother’s Journal Pinterest board and Facebook page, and we tweet them out to our audience as well. We will be using the hashtag #homeschoolmothersjournal when we share your posts on our social media channels, and we invite you to use this hashtag as you post throughout the week as well — especially if you tweet or use Instagram to share. We will search for new posts using the #homeschoolmothersjournal tag and share them with our followers as well!

We’d love to see YOU post questions and interact with other moms in our Homeschool Mother’s Journal community when you’re on social media. Be on the lookout for a question of the day on our Facebook page and submit your own.

We’ll be here every week… just waiting to share a cup of refreshment with you. Join us!

The Mamas of NextGen Homeschool

P.S. Please tell others about the Homeschool Mother’s Journal so that together, we can encourage more homeschool moms! You can grab an HMJ icon here.

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