NextGen Homeschool

The “What’s Working Wednesday” Link-Up is currently on hiatus. You can view past What’s Working Wednesday posts by clicking on the What’s Working category in the sidebar.

NextGen Homeschool’s What’s Working Wednesday Link-Up is a place for fellow homeschoolers to link up a post about anything you are using in your homeschool and household that is working well for you, such as a particular curriculum, teaching method, creative ideas, organizational approaches, technology tools, helpful books and blogs, balancing homeschool with life/work/personal, etc. Feel free to link up several posts that follow the “what’s working” theme.

We’ve found that in our fellowship with other homeschooling moms, we always want to know what’s working for others. Here’s your chance to tell us what’s working for you and learn from others in our diverse homeschooling community!

We encourage you to visit the other sites by clicking on the links and reading all of the fantastic ideas and insights shared by other bloggers. Also don’t forget to join the fun by adding your blog links. We request that if you join this link up, please add “What’s Working Wednesday” link-up button to your post or blog sidebar so your readers can find us here.

We have just a few rules for linking up with NextGen Homeschool’s What’s Working Wednesday. One request we have is NO RECIPES please! Although great recipes are definitely helpful to other homeschoolers, we would like the focus of this link-up to be sharing homeschooling advice and encouraging tips on balancing homeschooling with our busy lives.

If you are a “NextGen” homeschooler (formerly homeschooled parent) like us, we invite you to also share posts with a “NextGen” perspective. Tell us what worked (or didn’t work) for you when you were a homeschooled student, and why you approach homeschooling the way you do now. What if anything have you passed on from your homeschooling experience to your homeschooled children? How did your experience influence your decision to homeschool?

We encourage you to visit at least one link-up post that catches your attention each week, and “like” any posts that you read and find particularly helpful. Thank you for joining us on this journey to discover “what’s working” for other homeschoolers. We are hoping to learn a lot from you too!

The NextGen Homeschool Writing Team

“What’s Working Wednesday” Link-up Guidelines:

1) You must link directly to the “what’s working” post URL on your blog, not your general home page. You can link up as many posts as you like throughout the year, however we will delete links that don’t go to a particular post on your blog that is applicable to this theme.

2) We encourage you to use the “What’s Working Wednesday” button directly in your post or on your blog sidebar so that your readers may find you on this link-up. We also encourage you to visit at least one new blog each week that you visit and post to the link-up.

3) Please be mindful that this is a family friendly homeschooling blog link-up. Posts or links to videos/images with foul/offensive language, nudity, adult content of any kind, will be deleted. Your host reserves the right to delete any links, without notification, that do not follow this rule and are considered inappropriate by the editor. Although diversity of views is encouraged, your host has final discretion as to whether a post adheres to this criteria.

4) Posts that are submitted as part of this link-up must link to personal blog content only. Posts containing sales or shopping solicitation of any kind are not eligible to link up. If you wish to advertise your “sales” blog, please contact the editor of NextGen Homeschool, Renée Gotcher, at renee(at)nextgenhomeschool(dot)com. Any link considered to be of a sales or solicitation nature will be deleted without notification.

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