I have a son that loves holidays. He’s seven. He never was into trucks or sports, but he can single-handedly decorate our yard, door, and every surface in our 825-square-foot home for the holidays — mostly with homemade original stuff. […]
Friday Flashback: A week of surprises
My theme for this week is… Surprise! In my life this week… My husband had to take a last-minute trip to Dallas for work, leaving Sunday afternoon. I found out about it while he was at the airport coming home […]
How we manage working while homeschooling
Recently the writers at NextGen Homeschool addressed the question “Can you work and homeschool?” in an “Ask a NextGen Homeschooler” post. If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know that it’s been a while since my last blog post. […]
Learning goes on when life interrupts schooling
I used to feel guilty when life got in the way of our school lessons. When I homeschooled the girls, we would sometimes have days or even weeks when our lessons got put on hold because of some crazy life […]
Friday Flashback: A week of highs and lows
This week was an exhausting rollercoaster ride for my family, complete with exhilarating highs, unexpected turns, and stomach-dropping lows. I debated whether I was still motivated to write today, but I think it’s important that we share the highs and […]
Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: Can you work while homeschooling?
Welcome to “Ask a NextGen Homeschooler…” It’s your turn to ask the authors of NextGen Homeschool — four formerly homeschooled moms who are now homeschooling our children — to weigh in on your homeschooling questions. From the practical to the […]
Moms grappling with grief
This week, it hardly seemed appropriate to begin sharing our stories of NextGen Homeschool family Christmas traditions and how we homeschool during the Christmas season. Our hearts are heavy and grieved, and like most other moms, we’re grappling with the […]
Gotcher Family Thanksgiving
By Rosanna Ward I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday. This year for Thanksgiving, the Gotcher family gathered in force at my home in Oklahoma. Mom and Dad Gotcher finished their eastern speaking tour here, and Kenny, Renée, […]
Elections night party and the morning after
Another national election has come and gone: The results are in, and today, we move forward. For me, this election was significant not just because I had strong personal convictions about the issues our country faces, but because I was […]
Up close and personal with the elections
This weekend I came to a better appreciation of living in a swing state: It can be pretty exciting and fun the week before a national election if you stop answering your phone and watching live TV, and take advantage […]
Lessons from the meeting my schedule forgot
Gotcher Family Homeschool — Day 13 — September 18, 2012 We’ve been “back to school” for several weeks now — we did schoolwork three days a week those last two weeks in August as a warm-up and review for the […]
Homeschool Graduation, Then Begin Again…
The year 2010 was a bizarre year for me. My oldest daughter, Hannah, graduated high school as a homeschooler in May, and Leif, our youngest son, was born in October. This year feels pretty weird too. My second daughter, Virginia, […]
Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: What Role Does Dad Play?
Welcome to “Ask a NextGen Homeschooler…” It’s your turn to ask the writers at NextGen Homeschool — four formerly homeschooled moms who are now homeschooling our children — to weigh in on your homeschooling questions. From the practical to the personal, […]
Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: Why Homeschool?
Welcome to “Ask a NextGen Homeschooler…” It’s your turn to ask the writers at NextGen Homeschool — four formerly homeschooled moms who are now homeschooling our children — to weigh in on your homeschooling questions. From the practical to the personal, […]
The Gotcher Family’s Homeschool “Day in the Life”
This week I’m participating in Q&A Friday at Simple Homeschool, and this week’s topic is Your Homeschool “Day in the Life.” I had planned to write earlier this week but a little bout of illness went through the family, so […]