Welcome to NextGen Homeschool’s Top Homeschool Posts of 2014 Series! This week we’ll be sharing the top homeschooling topics — and most viewed posts — of last year based on the number of reader views and pins at NextGen Homeschool. Pin this page so you can refer back to each topic as needed: It’s a great resource as you tackle the New Year!
One of the most popular topics among homeschoolers is curriculum: Which curriculum companies or philosophies are the best? How do I know what will work for my family? How do I know what my teaching style is? What if I want to make changes before the school year ends? These top 10 posts on curriculum will help you find answers to the most common questions about making curriculum decisions.
Here are the Top Ten “Curriculum” posts of 2014:
- Oops, I did it again! Changing curriculum again… and again – One NextGen Homeschool mom’s journey to find the ideal multi-age, unit study curriculum for her three daughters.
- Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: How do you Make Curriculum Decisions? – Four NextGen Homeschooling moms share their insights into the curriculum selection and purchasing process for their families.
- How Important is it to Memorize Basic Math Facts? – With all the changes in the way math is taught in public schools, is there still a benefit to memorizing math facts?
- How to Choose Homeschool Math Curriculum – Teaching math doesn’t have to be overwhelming or boring for you and your children! Here’s how to evaluate options.
- Create a Unit Study on the Fly – How unit studies can make great supplements to your traditional curriculum, and how to create your own unit study.
- Ask a NextGen Homeschooler: Must I Finish Every Textbook? – Not loving the curriculum you chose? Or are you trying to “rush” to finish before summer? Don’t worry: Here’s why.
- How Can I Breathe Life into my Homeschool Curriculum? – One NextGen Homeschool mom shares how she adjusts her homeschool curriculum to meet her son’s learning style and keep things interesting.
- What’s Working: Story of the World – How the Story of the World curriculum is bringing history to life for one NextGen Homeschool family.
- A New Relationship with Learning: Charlotte Mason – What is the Charlotte Mason method, and why would I use it? One NextGen Homeschool mom’s experience with the Charlotte Mason approach.
- Revisiting Our Homeschool Mission – Often curriculum challenges mean it’s time to revisit your homeschool mission and evaluate what measures up and what needs to change.
Thank you for joining us as we take a look back at the Top Homeschool Posts of 2014 here at NextGen Homeschool! Stay tuned for the next post in this series: Top Homeschool Posts of 2014 for Hands-On Homeschooling.