Welcome to Homeschool Moms on a Mission! We believe that ALL moms have a unique mission to serve the family that God has blessed them with, raising their children diligently with God’s wisdom and love. Homeschooling moms are also on […]
Parenting Tweens & Teens: Fears to Overcome
When our children are young, danger is obvious. The guidance we provide is very tangible, and saying “no” is part of daily life. However, as our children enter the tween and teen years and begin to develop their own judgement, […]
TTD Homeschooling Convention: Dad’s View
Last week I drove to Washington D.C. with my family to attend the Teach Them Diligently homeschool convention, but we were also planning to spend time in our nation’s capitol. Our eldest daughters (13 and 11 years old) are very interested […]
Teach Them Diligently: Raising Arrows
This past week my family traveled to Washington D.C. to attend my favorite homeschooling conference, Teach Them Diligently. However, Teach Them Diligently isn’t just about homeschooling: It’s about the heart of families centered on God’s Word and our calling as […]
Missional Women: Being a Missional Mom
Two weeks ago, I was blessed to attend the Denver Missional Women Conference with my sister-in-law, NextGen Homeschool Author Rosanna Ward, and my first-gen homeschooling mother-in-law Karen Gotcher. Our attendance came together very last minute, however God demonstrated to me […]
Why I Can’t Wait for Teach Them Diligently D.C.
This year my family is planning to attend the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Washington D.C., taking place May 15-17. Last year, my homeschooling sister-in-law Rosanna and I attended our first Teach Them Diligently in Omaha — and we haven’t been […]
Experiencing Holidays Through My Son’s Eyes
I have a son that loves holidays. He’s eight. He never was into trucks or sports, but he can single-handedly decorate our yard, door, and every surface in our 825-square-foot home for the holidays — mostly with homemade original stuff. […]
Hands-on Homeschool: Garden Prep Field Trip
Last week we took a few days off for a spring garden prep “field trip” at the home of my in-laws in Kansas. Grandpa and Grandma Gotcher are “firstgen” homeschoolers: They began homeschooling my husband and his two sisters in […]
Looking Ahead to Teach Them Diligently D.C.
This year our family is planning to attend the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Washington D.C., taking place May 15-17. As residents of Oklahoma, this is a huge thing for our family. My husband and children have never been to […]
Considering Homeschooling? Trust Your Calling
Recently a good friend of mine surprised me by asking if we could get together to talk about homeschooling. I wasn’t surprised that she might consider it, but I was surprised by the timing and eagerness to get it all […]
Hands-On Homeschool: A Backyard Farm?
Last year I wrote about expanding our backyard garden and involving the girls in every step of the process, from choosing what to grow and starting seeds in the house, to transplanting and harvesting. What I left out of the […]
Top Homeschooling Posts of 2013: Faith, Family
Welcome to NextGen Homeschool’s Top Homeschooling Posts of 2013 Series! This week we’ll be sharing the top homeschooling topics — and most viewed posts — of last year based on the number of reader views and pins at NextGen Homeschool. […]
30 Days of Thanks: Five Reasons I’m Thankful for Homeschooling
Join us in 30 Days of Thanks! We will be posting all month at NextGen Homeschool about some of the things we are personally thankful for, and when we do, the post will include a link-up at the bottom so […]
Homeschooling Through the Holidays: Engaging the Senses
NextGen Homeschool is proud to join 26 fabulous homeschool bloggers for a special Christmas series at UpsideDown Homeschooling called, “The ABCs of Homeschooling Through the Holidays.” Homeschooling during the busy holiday season can be challenging, but it also presents a […]
30 Days of Thanks: A Letter to My Mom
Join us in 30 Days of Thanks! We will be posting all month at NextGen Homeschool about some of the things we are personally thankful for, and when we do, the post will include a link-up at the bottom so […]