NextGen Homeschool

Seeking God’s Direction: Where do I Start?

When you are faced with major decisions regarding your homeschooling, your family, your own personal role and relationships, seeking God’s direction can seem very challenging. Even your daily decisions can get bogged down with the opinions and advice of others, self doubt, and conflicting messages from our culture.


We spend hours in prayer, seek the wisdom of friends, and often look for “signs” along the road. However, I have learned over the years that seeking God’s direction doesn’t have to be as complex as we think it is. No matter what situation you face, the Bible is a clear starting point for seeking God’s direction. In my personal journey, I have found that five Biblical directives brings God’s will for most situations into clearer focus.

MYB-NEW-August-2013-Button-150x150Today I’m sharing “Where to Start When Seeking God’s Direction {Part One}” at Managing Your Blessings. Find out where I start, and what five Biblical directives can point you in the right direction when seeking God’s will for any decision.

I also invite you to stay tuned for the Part Two of this series next month on Managing Your Blessings, where I will be sharing more insight on how these Biblical directives apply to our daily decision-making in today’s world.

Have you ever found yourself “stuck” in search of God’s direction? Have you ever wished God would drop you a personal note or clearly defined road map so you could stop wondering what to do next? What role does the Bible play in your search for direction? What about prayer and seeking the wisdom of others? What questions do you have about how to discern God’s direction in your life? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Seeking God’s Direction: Where do I Start?

  1. Yolanda Beltran says:

    One good place to start in seeking God’s direction is by going to the Lord in prayer and telling Him that we really want to know His will on the matter. Often we are confused because we are wrestling with God. We have an idea of what would seem to be God’s will, an idea that we have concluded would work well in our opinion, but deep inside we feel something is missing, and we are not sure what. So we go to friends, usually the ones who agree with our opinions. We become more convinced that perhaps this is what God would want. But still, we do not have His peace on the matter. “Delight yourself also in the Lord. And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust also in Him. And he shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light , and your justice as the noonday. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” When we want God’s will more than anything else in life, the Holy Spirit of God will be there to guide us and lead us, He will be faithful to give us His Lamp unto our feet, He will give us the wisdom we need for each day.

    1. Thank you Mom! Definitely prayer is #1 and asking for guidance. As I’ve spent more time in God’s word over the past year, I’ve also realized that scripture is a very sure way to “check” any decisions or ideas about what to do. My next post on this topic is about five clear instructions in God’s word that can help us sort out most of the decisions we make. Stay tuned 🙂
      Love you!

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