Today we wrapped up a semester of Botany with our informal homeschool co-op by taking a scavenger hunt hike with three families who have children close in age to ours. This concept of sharing educational experiences with a few friends is the essential definition of […]
Give Your Homeschool New Life: Take it Outside!
Today while my eldest daughter was at the park with me, she noticed a picnic table in a secluded area with trees around it and said, “Look mom — that would be a nice place for us to do school one […]
Top Homeschool Posts of 2014: Hands-On
Welcome to NextGen Homeschool’s Top Homeschool Posts of 2014 Series! This week we’ll be sharing the top homeschooling topics — and most viewed posts — of last year based on the number of reader views and pins at NextGen Homeschool. Pin […]
Hands-on Homeschool: Medieval Fair Trip
Last Friday we took the kids to the Medieval Fair in Norman, Oklahoma. We had been studying The Middle Ages earlier this year, so the kids were excited to go. When I was researching which fair we wanted to attend, […]
Homeschooling Tweens: Great Group Activities
Today we’re finally celebrating my eldest daughter’s thirteenth birthday with her friends (two weeks late!), and as we prepare to welcome her guests, I’m reminded about how blessed we are to have made such wonderful friendships with other families of […]
Top Homeschooling Posts of 2013: Hands-On
Welcome to NextGen Homeschool’s Top Homeschooling Posts of 2013 Series! This week we’ll be sharing the top homeschooling topics — and most viewed posts — of last year based on the number of reader views and pins at NextGen Homeschool. […]
Homeschooling Through the Holidays: Engaging the Senses
NextGen Homeschool is proud to join 26 fabulous homeschool bloggers for a special Christmas series at UpsideDown Homeschooling called, “The ABCs of Homeschooling Through the Holidays.” Homeschooling during the busy holiday season can be challenging, but it also presents a […]
Fall Brings Crisp Adventures, Fun Traditions
I love fall! After the summer heat and humidity in Oklahoma, the crisp cool air is a welcome change. This makes fall an ideal time for field trips. We go to the zoo quite a bit during the cool autumn days. […]
Five Steps to Start a Homeschool Co-Op
Last month I shared five reasons to consider starting or joining a homeschool co-op at Today’s Frugal Mom. This month, I’m sharing five steps to start a homeschool co-op based on my experience this past school year launching and managing a […]
Friday Flashback: “Spring” break… or was it?
In our homeschool this week… we never took an official spring break, so we planned to take Monday-Wednesday off this week to head up to the mountains before most of the ski resorts closed for the season. After having such […]
Friday Flashback: My solo parent juggling act
In my life this week… It was time for another round of the “solo parent juggling act” — when hubby’s out of town for work and some of his contributions to our daily routine are thrown into the mix of […]
Hands-On Homeschool: Making corn husk dolls
I recently wrote about how the girls book club co-op I host has chosen to read The Little House Collection by Laura Ingalls Wilder this semester. Another change we made was to incorporate a project/craft/cooking day into our rotation of meetings […]
What’s Working: Girls Book Club co-op takes off
I have written in the past about how I started my own homeschool co-op last fall — a tween and young readers girls book club — and I feel very blessed that it was not only a successful endeavor, but […]
Tuesday’s Tip: Spontaneous projects with Pinterest
I have to admit I am pretty late to the Pinterest bandwagon, but I have finally figured out how to make it work for me instead of becoming just another social media time vacuum. I love spontaneous projects. They are […]
Elections night party and the morning after
Another national election has come and gone: The results are in, and today, we move forward. For me, this election was significant not just because I had strong personal convictions about the issues our country faces, but because I was […]