I love the idea of traditions just as much as the next person, and the warm and fuzzy feelings that word evokes in my heart. However I’ll admit that try as I might to establish and keep traditions, I’ve really […]
Strategies to Slow Down & Savor the Season
Can you believe Thanksgiving is less than one week away? Ready or not, the retail rush into the holidays has been in full force for weeks now, with Christmas displays up at some stores in my town even before Halloween! And I’ve been inundated with […]
Christmas Sweet Treats to Make With Kids
This month we’re joining a special series at So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler called, “A Goodie a Day Until Christmas.” Instead of sharing a specific recipe for this series, we wanted to share with you a concept that can […]
Homeschooling Through the Holidays: Engaging the Senses
NextGen Homeschool is proud to join 26 fabulous homeschool bloggers for a special Christmas series at UpsideDown Homeschooling called, “The ABCs of Homeschooling Through the Holidays.” Homeschooling during the busy holiday season can be challenging, but it also presents a […]
A Homeschooling Christmas: Final Week
It’s our final week in my “homeschooling Christmas” series! Although we had a full week left before Christmas, things quickly transitioned from busy preparation to vacation mode in our house. I think this was partly due to the fact that […]
A Homeschooling Christmas: Week Two
This week I’m participating with a homeschool blog link-up called “The Homeschool Mother’s Journal” hosted by The Homeschool Chick. I’m also continuing my series on “a homeschooling Christmas,” where I’ve been sharing about our new approach to integrating Christmas traditions […]
Ward Family Christmas Traditions: Week One
Three of our favorite family Christmas traditions happened this past weekend. Saturday afternoon we went to the local tree farm to pick out a tree and visit Santa. That evening we also attended the Tulsa Christmas Parade as a family. […]
A Homeschooling Christmas: Week One
Last week in My Tango with Traditions, I shared my struggle with establishing and maintaining family Christmas traditions over the years since becoming a mom — and my resolve to change that this year. As a family, we decided which […]
Christmas & My Tango With Traditions
I love the idea of traditions just as much as the next person, and the warm and fuzzy feelings that word evokes in my heart. However I’ll admit that try as I might to establish and keep traditions, I’ve really […]
Rethinking Our Holiday Session
In our homeschool, we have made it a tradition in the past that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, we stop our regular school schedule and lessons, and we focus on fun seasonal subjects. We take extra time to learn […]