What's Working Wednesday

NextGen Homeschool hosts and co-hosts several weekly and monthly link-ups and blog hops:


What's Working WednesdayNextGen Homeschool’s “What’s Working Wednesday” Link-Up is a place for fellow homeschoolers to link up a post about anything you are using in your homeschool and household that is working well for you, such as a particular curriculum, teaching method, creative ideas, organizational approaches, technology tools, helpful books and blogs, balancing homeschool with life/work/personal, etc. Feel free to link up several posts that follow the “what’s working” theme.

What’s Working Wednesday is currently on hiatus: You can browse past link-up lists by clicking on the “What’s Working Wednesday” category link on the sidebar.


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Hearts for Home is a weekly Thursday blog hop and link-up that focuses on topics that are of interest to moms with a heart for their homes. Post topics include: homeschooling, marriage, parenting, homemaking, faith, budgeting, crafts and DIY projects, family issues and more! We would love to see you link up your posts. We feature the most popular post and a few of our favorites every week! Not a blogger? That’s okay! This blog hop will be your one-stop location to finding ideas and inspiration for fulfilling your role as a wife, mother and follower of Christ.

To meet the founder of Hearts for Home & our co-hosts, click here.


Real Life HomeschoolingReal Life Homeschooling is a monthly blog hop that will show the world that homeschooling is so much more than sitting at a desk doing math worksheets. On the second Tuesday of each month, more than 20 homeschool bloggers (including NextGen Homeschool) will be co-hosting the Real Life Homeschooling blog hop. Each blogger will share a post of their own and then give you the opportunity to link up your own posts. Feel free to share your posts that show how homeschooling happens in real life just as well as during “school hours.” Possible ideas include: field trips, special projects, community service, what your child learned in the grocery store/barn yard/park/etc., family trips, church events, the possibilities are endless. Real life homeschooling is about turning the world into our classroom.

To learn more about the Real Life Homeschooling Blog Hop, see our co-hosts list and details here.

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