As I’ve shared a few times recently, I was blessed to attend the Teach Them Diligently Convention for the first time this past spring. One message at the conference really stood out for me: Why it’s important to specifically equip […]
A New Approach to Family Bible Study
Like my sister-in-law Rosanna shared in her post last week, I too was inspired at the Teach Them Diligently Convention this year to take a closer look at how we center our homeschooling and our family around God’s word. Equipping […]
A Deuteronomy 6:7 Mission: Time for Change
As you may have read in previous posts, this spring my sister-in-law Renée and I attended a Teach Them Diligently Conference in Omaha that really changed my life. I realized that over the past eight years, I seem to have […]
Teach Them Diligently Speaker Sound Bites
As I shared last week in my “Seven Key Take-Aways” post about the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Omaha, I was blessed to receive a message that I wasn’t exactly prepared for. I realized that in order to lead my […]
Teach Them Diligently Take-Away: Battle’s On!
As my sister-in-law Rosanna shared last week in her “Seven Key Take-Aways” post, we met up in Omaha last week to attend the last Teach Them Diligently Convention of this summer — and we both walked away with a message […]
Seven Key Take-Aways at Teach Them Diligently
My sister-in-law Renée and I decided to meet up at the Teaching Them Diligently Convention in Omaha last week. I went into it prepared as usual and expecting to have the same uplifting and educational experience I get when I […]
Why God Wants Us to Be Morning People
I am not a morning person: Waking up early has never come naturally to me. But I’m convinced that God must be a morning “person” — and that He wants us to become morning people, too. I’ve fought the concept […]
Seeing holidays through my son’s eyes
I have a son that loves holidays. He’s seven. He never was into trucks or sports, but he can single-handedly decorate our yard, door, and every surface in our 825-square-foot home for the holidays — mostly with homemade original stuff. […]
When in doubt, seek support!
One of the most common feelings expressed to me by other homeschooling moms is self-doubt. Am I doing enough? Am I doing it right? Am I organized enough? Am I doing too much? Am I getting through to my kids? […]
When You Don’t Have a Proverbs 31 Day
I do laundry, pay bills, wash dishes, return movies and library books (sometimes on time), shop for groceries with coupons I spend hours clipping, buy birthday cards and gifts, wash the car, take care of three cats and a dog, […]