Three of our favorite family Christmas traditions happened this past weekend. Saturday afternoon we went to the local tree farm to pick out a tree and visit Santa. That evening […]
A Homeschooling Christmas: Week One
Last week in My Tango with Traditions, I shared my struggle with establishing and maintaining family Christmas traditions over the years since becoming a mom — and my resolve to […]
Christmas & My Tango With Traditions
I love the idea of traditions just as much as the next person, and the warm and fuzzy feelings that word evokes in my heart. However I’ll admit that try […]
Rethinking Our Holiday Session
In our homeschool, we have made it a tradition in the past that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, we stop our regular school schedule and lessons, and we focus […]
The Role of Homeschool Support Groups
This weekend I attended my first board meeting for our local homeschool support group, Homeschoolers of Castle Rock. I recently accepted the board positions of Membership Coordinator and Web Admin […]
Where’s the “Reboot” Button?
Lately (and more often than I’d like to admit), I have found myself in the midst of trying to gracefully navigate the twists and turns of a homeschool day gone […]
My Biggest Homeschool Blunder: Thinking I’d Be Ready
Being a homeschool graduate could have turned out one of two ways for me: I could have loved the experience and known from the start that I would want to […]
Homeschool Traveling as Student & Teacher
When I was 16 and soon to be a homeschool graduate, my dad planned the ultimate homeschool traveling “field trip” for our family. He planned it for months and had […]
Standing Out in a Crowd
By Renée Gotcher Last week our homeschool group took an interesting field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. It was interesting because although these days most museums, […]
Guided Free Time
By Rosanna Ward When I was homeschooled, I remember having a lot of free time. After our school work was done, Dad would pretty much leave us on our own. […]
Why We Homeschool: Cristina Eklund
The reasons my husband and I decided to homeschool our two children are many. However, let me first start out with those things that were not our reasons to homeschool: […]
My, How Times Have Changed!
“When I was a kid, I had to walk five miles to school… uphill… in the snow!” We’ve all heard that one before — Grandpa’s way of saying, “Stop complaining! […]
What Role Can Dads Play in the Homeschool?
By Rosanna Ward Most of the time when you go to homeschool activities or see homeschoolers out and about during the day, children are with their mothers. Typically, dad is […]
A New Relationship With Learning: Charlotte Mason & Heart of Wisdom
After completing a fairly successful “warm-up to school” agenda the week of Sept. 12, my girls and I were ready to dive into our new curriculum from Heart of Wisdom […]
An Unexpected Path to Homeschooling
I’m not what I would call a typical homeschool mom — someone who got fed up with the public school system and made the choice to homeschool. Noooo, not me: […]
A Curious Campfire Conversation
Our summer vacation culminated in a family road trip across scenic Colorado. We wanted to enjoy the end of summer in the snow-free mountains, see some friends along the way, […]
Getting Ready for a New School Year
It’s August 31, and for whatever reason that makes sense to the Colorado Board of Education, most local children have been in school for two to three weeks now — […]
The Year of the Split: Teaching Different Ages
A “split” in bowling is when you leave pins on either side of the lane, but the ones in the middle are gone. I’m calling this school year “the year […]
Why We Homeschool: Rosanna Ward
My adventure with homeschooling began in 1984. I was spending the summer in Beaumont, Texas with cousins. About halfway through the summer my dad called and asked me how I […]
NextGen Homeschooling: My Definition
“Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home education or home based learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal […]