NextGen Homeschool

What’s Working: Group presentation days

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Back when my mom began homeschooling, I was the eldest child and a junior in high school with lots of prior experience in public speaking. I was in drama club in middle school, in student government in high school, and even a part of the cheerleading squad for a year. So when I was offered the opportunity to give a speech at our regional homeschool support group’s “Promotion Day” (also my high school graduation), I was not only comfortable with the idea, I couldn’t wait!

The other graduates who gave speeches that night did an equally impressive job. I was so confident that homeschooling — and not being locked in to the grade-level, age-restrictive life of a traditional schooler — had increased my public speaking skills. I saw the evidence with my graduating peers. I even gave a persuasive speech about it for my freshman year Oral Communications class in college. I got an “A” on that speech.

So when I began homeschooling my three daughters in 2010, it never occurred to me that public speaking would not come naturally to them once they were freed from the confines of grade-level peer pressure. When I found out that my new local homeschool support group offered monthly group presentation days, I couldn’t wait to get involved and see my girls “shine” while getting some additional social time.

On our very first elementary group presentation day, I was surprised and caught off guard when my middle daughter (2nd grade at the time) stared at the floor and mumbled quietly the entire time. No eye contact, no confidence — no sound! This isn’t what we practiced at home, I thought. What happened? My fourth grader did a fine job — presentation poster, note cards, rehearsed script, and an audible voice. Why didn’t my little girl, who’d never expressed feelings of shyness at home, feel comfortable presenting in front of her friends?

Group Presentation Days Audrey

My eldest Audrey was a pro at presentations “my way”

Then she told me she would rather not give a presentation at the next meeting. That was so hard for me to hear! Of course I allowed her to skip and watch the next time, but I felt sad that she didn’t enjoy the experience as much as I thought she would — or as much as the other kids (including her older sister) did.

Fast forward to 2013, and I’m so thankful that we stuck with it! Yes, my presentation-shy girl did sit out for a few presentation days. Eventually, though, she decided to get back up there. Soon, she even started looking forward to it. And finally, she became so excited about it, she began writing skits and creating little mini-productions just for that day.

Group Presentation Days Claire

Claire practicing a skit for a recent presentation about the scientific properties of water

Recently another veteran homeschooling mom in our support group said, “I can’t believe that’s Claire! Where did that little actress come from? She is having so much fun up there now!”

She was right: Claire is like a different girl up there now. And I don’t credit myself for being particularly skilled at helping her overcome her presentation fears.

Here’s why I think group presentation days make a difference:

  • Consistency: I decided early on that even if all of my girls opted out of presenting, we would attend elementary presentation day. For one thing, it’s entertaining: Some of the kids are simply charismatic and fun to watch! It’s also educational: We’re always learning new things! We’ve taken recipes home, replicated science projects, started reading new authors, and more simply because we heard about it at presentation day. In the end, I decided it was not just about my girls performing, but the educational experience we could share.
  • Practice: Although I didn’t recognize it at first, there are so many activities we can do as part of our homeschooling daily routine that can help prepare our children for public speaking. Reciting memory verses at the school table. Reading aloud to mom or a sibling. Sharing a lapbook with dad or a friend. We did all of these things at home, and I never thought about them as “practice” for presentations until the day Claire chose to recite a favorite picture book from memory at presentation day. It was a book she’d read to her younger sister so many times, she knew it by heart. She amazed everyone with her recitation. At the next meeting, she recited the 23rd Psalm from memory. From that point on, I saw a significant shift in her feelings about presentation day. Who knew?
  • Freedom: Although there are times when an assigned “topic” is offered (for holidays or for older students), most of our group’s presentation days are unrestricted by topic or presentation type, as long as the student speaks for three minutes or less. This turned out to be a huge game changer for my once-shy presenter. That very first presentation day when she wanted to disappear, I had set her up with what I believed was expected for a quality presentation: Poster board, note cards, outline, etc. Turns out none of that works for her! She is very kinesthetic and has great memorization skills, so she thrives at “skits” with props and audience participation, as well as recitations on passages she feels very connected to. Once she realized that her presentation didn’t have to include white boards, poster boards, and note cards, she thrived!
  • Opportunity: There are many curriculum choices out there (including the Trail Guide to Learning Paths of Exploration we now use) that encourage presentation practice as part of your lesson plan. Even if that’s not the case with your curriculum, you can still find ways to encourage your children to practice all the core skills that lead to comfortable public speaking, such as narration, read-aloud, presenting lapbooks, memorization, etc. However, I do think it also helps to have at least one opportunity that you participate in outside your home to solidify those skills. For us, it’s our support group’s monthly presentation day, and it’s become one of my girls’ favorite activities.

Group Presentation Days

Group presentation days have been an important part of our homeschooling life, and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to participate in one through my local homeschooling group. If your local group or co-op doesn’t offer a presentation day, I think it’s a great idea to propose because it requires very little preparation and coordination other than an agreeable date/time and location. You might even think about hosting one. Even if it’s just you and another homeschooling family, it can still be a valuable learning experience for your children — and fun social opportunity for the participating families!

Do you participate in a “formal” presentation day with other homeschoolers? If not, what have you found to be helpful in giving your children the opportunity to practice public speaking? What activities do you incorporate into your homeschool lesson plans to help equip your children with speaking skills? We’d love to hear what you’re doing in your homeschool!

12 thoughts on “What’s Working: Group presentation days

  1. Jennifer-Anne Creekmore says:

    So to organize a homeschool presentation day I would just need a place (my home??), invite others to present and possibly some snacks afterward? Are there any parameters about what kids can present? What are some ideas? Book reports, science reports, research? What ages are invited? Thanks for any input.

    1. Hi Jennifer-Anne!
      Here is what our group does: We have a host family who holds all elementary (K-6) presentation days at their home. Nothing fancy, we use the living room and the host sets up extra folding chairs behind the couches. Our guidelines are a time limit of three minutes and there must be speaking involved (not a talent like singing, dancing, or playing an instrument). Visual aids are recommended but not required. Our host provides snacks and we chip in $1 per child each time to cover costs.

      On the other hand, our teen presentation day (13 yrs and up) takes place at a local facility that charges a nominal fee for use of a large multipurpose room. Two moms coordinate that event, and participating families chip in for the cost of the space. They take turns providing snacks. Their presentation guidelines are more formal and follow a particular theme.

      Both setups are working out great. The key for our group has been having a committed coordinator, and for the participating families to understand the purpose and be comfortable helping out in some way. It’s essentially a form of “co-op” schooling. If you would like to start one but don’t want to host it at your home, another family participating might be willing to host even if you coordinate, or you can find an inexpensive or free meeting room (public library, church, etc). Here’s an article I recently wrote about starting your own “co-op” that has more details.
      Praying for God to bless your efforts in getting one started. We’d love to hear about it when you do.

  2. Renee, my kids have all done presentations at our weekly co-op through the years. When it came time for my 8th grader to read his paper to the whole church, he wouldn’t do any of the things he needed to do. I didn’t push it and then when I taught high school speech, he did great! Sometimes there’s a maturity issue there. It sounds like you’re doing so well with your curriculum and children.

    1. Hi Melanie!
      That’s wonderful that you’ve had a co-op opportunity for your kids to practice public speaking. I agree that maturity does have a lot to do with the comfort level of giving a public presentation, especially for a large group. It’s great to hear that your son got comfortable with it in high school!

  3. This is such a great idea. I would love to work on getting my kiddos more accustomed to speaking in public. Thank you for sharing and for linking up at Inspired Wednesdays.

    1. You’re welcome Stephanie! It’s been a great experience for my girls and even my five-year-old joins in from time to time (usually reciting memory verses). It’s so exciting to see your kids be comfortable speaking in public.

  4. I love the informality and flexibility of this! It’s a great way for kids to gain experience with public speaking in a friendly setting. 🙂

    1. Hi Amy! I agree that the informality and flexibility are important — in fact, I think the reason it has been so successful for our group over the years is because it has remained easy to participate in and even host. Hope you find an opportunity to get involved in one or start one!

    1. Thanks for hosting the link-up Monica! It’s really fun to see this new side of her come out, and how much she enjoys it. Just another reason we love homeschooling!

  5. sherri boley says:

    I know this is two years old but I love this idea! and I had a question. We have a homeschool group and some of the kids are overly enthusiastic and likely could talk for 5+ minutes, and others (2 of which are mine) I would have to push them to do it. My question is, how do you nicely wind some kids down when they want to go on and on and on, and how do you I get the reluctant speakers to do it at all!

    1. Hi Sherri!
      I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, we were on a holiday break from the blog. We had a time limit of three minutes, followed by three questions. That helped a lot! We also had someone appointed to cue the speaker when their time was almost done to wrap it up. Some of it is parent coaching in advance, if the students practice at home they can get the timing down. For the older kids (tweens & up), we also did anonymous feedback slips and timing was part of the feedback. Once kids get the hang of it after a few times, most (even the young ones!) get the timing nailed down pretty well and we can get through about 20 kids in about 1 1/2 hrs. Hope that helps!

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